We can also help with the wider management of cars stored with us.
MOT inspections, cleaning, transport, mechanical checks and repair, and body and paintwork are all services that we can help owners with.
We work with a variety of local specialists, and owners’ own preferred suppliers, to make sure that cars stored with us are maintained just as the owners like them to be.
Just let us know what you need done and let us cost it for you. Below are examples of some of the most common jobs we undertake:
MOT pre-inspection
Managing the MOT history of older vehicles can be an important part of maintaining their value. With buyers able to check for failures and advisories online, making sure that faults that may have developed whilst enjoying the use of an older vehicle can’t become part of a value based discussion in the future is a good idea. A pre-inspection will highlight any issues that can be dealt with before undergoing an MOT.
At £85+VAT, this is often a wise investment.
MOT inspection
Our inspections are carried out locally, with no need for your vehicle to travel on public roads to and from the testing station. The inspectors understand older vehicles and are able to apply the correct level of compliance to the ever more stringent regulations.
An MOT inspection costs £80 inc VAT
Ethanol free storage fuel
We recommend replacing standard fuel in cars in for anything over 3 months with a 99RON Ethanol Free storage fuel to avoid problems, especially with older carburettor cars. Fuel is £6.00 inc VAT per litre, with costs to drain old fuel POA.
Cleaning and detailing
We have a number of suppliers who offer everything from a pre-storage clean to a full Concours detail, with costs reflecting the level of work involved. Owners are welcome to use their own suppliers on site, subject to a small facility fee.
A Pre Storage clean comes in at £60 inc VAT
As classic vehicle owners ourselves we understand that our charges can sometimes throw challenges at us that may not have an obvious or straightforward solution. Small maintenance related technical details may be lost in the mists of time, and parts may be hard to find. We are adept at researching these issues and looking for solutions, filtering through the information to find the right solution, and the most sensible cost. We charge an hourly rate for this service.
Research, per hour, £25+VAT
We can collect cars coming in for storage, and deliver them back. We can also arrange for transport to specialists for servicing and repair.
We are fortunate in having both full garage services and a top quality restoration bodyshop within yards of our base. This means that we can facilitate repairs with a minimum of logistical headaches. Cars often come in with a list of work that may be required, and we can arrange quotes and supervise work when agreed.