Classic Car Auction? Ever been? Why not?! As the auction houses launch into what is traditionally their busiest season, classic car enthusiasts can look forward to a wide variety of tempting treasures being wheeled into their vision, We love auctions, being frequent visitors to the high profile Bonhams and RM Sotheby sales but for us the smaller, less publicised events can be just as enjoyable.

Four coming up that are have some interesting lots are the Richard Edmunds 3 days sale from 26th to 28th October near Chippenham ( which has some interesting cars as well as a huge amount of automobilia and classic spares. The second is the Brightwells sale at Bicester Heritage on 25th October with some interesting lots, and there is also an SWVA classic auction in Poole on 28th October which looks promising.

Even if you’re not intending to buy, these sales are always interesting. One tip – if you don’t register to bid it is inevitable that you’ll see something you like go for next to nothing!